Tuesday, December 26, 2023

  (What do I do when I'm teaching in a first-time charter school in Las Vegas and my students remind me that it's part-circus, part science-fiction, and part free-wheeling crazy? I write about my memories. And then I publish the book and take it to my 50th high school reunion...and the current principal.)

 Welcome to Holiday (“Horror Day”) 
High School! 
("Every test day is a horror for me!")


Some students at Holiday High School in Las Vegas during the 1960s have a few strange ways about their looks—but also their attitudes about life. They like to dress up according to their favorite seasonal or national holiday—with pink, red-white-and-blue, or red-green hair--and clothes.

They all meet the new girl from England who is totally Goth, dressed in all black—and loves Halloween. She adds to the fun with the guys--who idolize movie monsters. There’s Igor, a 7-foot tall, 110-pound, skinny albino boy from Romania who blushes like a tall strawberry milkshake.

And “Wolfie”, totally covered in hair from an inherited genetic pattern, who howls in pain from a fear of tests that make him scratch and itch. You’ll meet Tony, a Hulk-sized football player, and super-smart “Cyclops”, who wears bottle-thick black-rim glasses.

Also, “Elvis,” the class clown who hides chocolates for the girls in a hollowed-out book, and “Creach”, the guy whose skin and hair turned green from a swimming pool mishap.

Together, they inspire mischief and mayhem in sports events and school plays with twisted chorus song lyrics that scare off a music teacher, hoist a car on top of the gymnasium for a trick-or-treat prank, and start spitball wars against each other with huge straws that have a cannon’s range and impact, smoke cigars in school—and more. Overall, they make “Horror Day” years into a truly memorable time, long-term friendships, and successful careers.